Sunday, November 16, 2008

When it all began.... June 2008

Welcome to French Bliss Four our new family blog! We thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch. I am hoping this will be something our family can work on together. So look foward to entries from each of us. As the adventure continues, please feel free to check in and leave us updates on how you are doing as well.

So let us start at the beginning of the official French Bliss Four! Introducing Kole, Kali, Eric and Geetha French

June 24, 2008 11:55 or just a few minutes after :)

I am new at this so bare with me as I try to catch you up..

Sept 29 2007 - Eric Lee French and Geetha Sara Thomas tie the knot

Honeymoon - St. Thomas and St. John - Caribbean Islands

as the year goes on....

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